This notebook if found just North of the centre of the map in an enemies resting nest. Hamza's notebook is a diary scription about a business man going through with a big deal. The field has 2 upright wind mills, and a 3rd broken windmill, under the broken windmills rubble you will find the book. Free hack cheats tools, codes list (andoind/ ios), gift pass, New York City USA engine.

The collectible can be found near the centre of the map, in an open field. Cheat engine hacks: secrets code Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts mode. The first-person shooter attempts to bring the series back to its roots by. The Praying Baker is a book about an unlikely friendship between fish and man, and a betrayal from a master. Sign in 0:00 / 2:44 Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 Trainer +11 Cheats (No Recoil, Unlimited Contract Tokens & 9 More) WeMod 139K subscribers Subscribe 86 Share 14K views 1 year ago wemod. CI Games Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts have dropped for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The collectible can be found in the in a more heavy guarded facility, down South of the map, you will need to be extra-stealthy, or take out these guards first, then inside a broken building, above a green crate you will find this cassette tape. The City Of Nothing In The World is a cassette tape about a girl who has hurt herself, and her journey to healing her body. The book itself is in the cave anf hidden underneath the boardwalk.
Nim Tanak, or Half-boy is a brief script to a movie about a child who unnexpectedly saved everyone from a villain, the story can be found to the north of the map near camp site on east of the mountain. The notebook is hidden in a smaller enemies nest on a gray table. Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 Cheats for Playstation 4>Sniper: Ghost playing the game, press L (2), Circle, Up, Circle, Select. Isabella's notebook is a small note about Isabella's feelings on the "village creeps", this can be found right in the heart of the camp, and may be the most difficult to get to. In Tajmid Hights there are 5 collectibles too find across the map. There are collectibles in each map, these collectables are often just a note book containing a short story, or a notebook entry, adding just a little more something to the games vibe.